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In the quiet neighborhoods of South-East Portland, a sinister aura shrouded the once serene streets. Reports of gruesome murders circulated among the residents, leaving them gripped with fear and uncertainty. The victims? Innocent felines, beloved companions to many families in the area. Their bodies were discovered mutilated, their once vibrant fur stained crimson with blood.

Whispers permeated the community, speculating on the nature of the perpetrator. Was it a deranged individual lurking in the shadows, preying on the unsuspecting pets? Or perhaps something more sinister, a malevolent force with a thirst for feline blood? No one could say for certain, and paranoia swept through the neighborhood like wildfire.

In the midst of this turmoil, a figure emerged from the shadows, an unlikely hero in the form of CatMxn. Just an ordinary person by day, CatMxn possessed a secret identity, one bestowed upon him by the enigmatic Cat Deities. When the night fell and the streets grew silent, CatMxn answered the call to action, his purpose clear: to deliver justice to those who would harm the innocent.

Guided by the whispers of the Cat Deities, CatMxn embarked on a mission to uncover the truth behind the heinous crimes plaguing the neighborhood. Armed with determination and a sense of duty, he traversed the dark alleys and quiet corners, following the faint scent of danger that hung in the air.

As he delved deeper into the mystery, CatMxn uncovered a web of deceit and betrayal, leading him to confront the darkest aspects of humanity. Along the way, he encountered allies willing to lend their support to his cause, each one driven by their own desire to see justice served.

Despite the odds stacked against him, CatMxn remained steadfast in his pursuit of justice. For he knew that the lives of innocent creatures hung in the balance, their silent cries echoing through the night. And as he stood on the precipice of truth, CatMxn vowed to never waver in his fight against those who would dare to harm the innocent.

This gripping tale of courage and redemption is brought to life in "CatMxn: The Final Beginning" the debut project from Bearfoot Studios. Inspired by real-life events that unfolded in Portland, Oregon, between 2009 and 2020, this story serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring bond between humans and their feline companions. But it also shines a light on the darkness that lurks within society, challenging readers to confront the evils that threaten to tear it apart. With its compelling narrative and richly drawn characters, "CatMxn: The Final Beginning" promises to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression on all who dare to embark on this thrilling adventure.

CatMxn: The Final Beginning